Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Studio etc...

Hello folks,
Sorry i havent updated in awhile but things are nutty. A new House. A new studio. A new town. A new life outta the city.
Wellington , Prince Edward County. a lot has happened in the past few months with successful exhibitions in Miami and New York City. CityFieldNorthShore last fall and CanadianArtCollective in NYC...all fun shows.
My website was hacked and now im working towards a new revamp so stay tuned...
Meanwhile i'll be painting for an  exhibition in Hamilton with Julia Veenstra...sending new work of Vancouver to Harrison Galleries , and working up some new paintings for Argyle Gallery in Halifax Nova Scotia.
There will be a studio opening this coming spring/summer when all s ready to roll so stay tuned for details...and if you find yourself in Wellington this summer please stop in to say hello ...170 Main Street. Doors are always open...
New Images coming soon.
